Dependency Injection

Updated at: 25 Dec 2019 03:42:00


A technique that has one object supplying the dependencies of another object.

Allows for a seperation of concern between the construction and the use of objects.

Allows programs to be loosly coupled.

Types of Dependency Injection

Constructor Injection

Constructor is used to decide an object’s dependencies. Object declares in constructor the objects that it needs. Register constructor (and relevant parameters) into the provider.

Setter Injection

Defining setter methods in objects that need injection.

Interface Injection

An interface can be used to perform the injection through.

Alternative: Service locator

Object calls service locator object to find its dependencies.

This, however, creates a dependency between the service locator and the object.


There seems to be different ways of registering a provider.

One way would be to register with a configuration file, another one is by calling methods. I believe both methods are similar.

Service Locator vs Dependency Injection


Both allow fundamental decoupling that’s missing in the naive example.

Both gives inversion of control, but it comes at a price. It is potentially hard to understand and it leads to potential problems.

About equally difficult to test. Dependency injection will be easier with IDE support to search up references.


So the primary issue is for people who are writing code that expects to be used in applications outside of the control of the writer. In these cases even a minimal assumption about a Service Locator is a problem.

Constructor vs Setter Injection

The choice between setter and constructor injection is interesting as it mirrors a more general issue with object-oriented programming - should you fill fields in a constructor or with setters.

Martin Fowler’s principle is that as much as possible create valid objects at run time. Constructors with parameters give a clear statement of what it means to create a valid object.